MOX IT SUPPORTS MiPyMESCompetitiveness Support Program (PAC) IMPROVE THE DIGITALISATION OF YOUR COMPANY FINANCE WITH PAC MiPyMEs You have time until October 7. CONTACT US TO TELL YOU HOW WE DO IT MOXIT will accompany you throughout the process and you can obtain an A.N.R of up to $4,500,000 We offer you, Diagnosis of your …

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We are proud to announce that MOX IT has obtained the IRAM 56001:2021 “Innovation Management” certification, making it one of the first companies in the country to achieve this important achievement. This certification reflects our commitment to work in collaboration with our clients and partners, promoting innovation and digital transformation as fundamental pillars to generate …


ELearning is here to stay

ELearning is here to stay Many companies and training providers adopted eLearning out of necessity during the pandemic. Although we are progressively beginning the return to “normalcy”, the online learning industry shows no signs of slowing down. The world is adapting to new ways of working and training, and eLearning is one of them. ELearning …

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Raw material fractionation system

RAW MATERIAL FRACTIONATION SYSTEM MOX IT – SIFRA is a weighing central software that allows controlling all the raw material fractionation processes, which are dosed according to the specifications of a recipe for making a product and by automating electronic scales and interconnection with the ERP system. Application sectors Since this software was designed to …

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Quality certification

After an energetic and deep work focused on the implementation of the Quality Management System (SGC) we certify our processes of Marketing, Design, Development and Implementation under the standard ISO 9001:2015. Continuous improvement as a driver of our actions and quality as the basis of our service, feed our effort and commitment to international standards. …

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