The process of System Labelling of containers in the processing sector includes the activities necessary for the identification, control of the condition of the containers, weighing and labelling.
- Control the containers automatically.
- Reduced operating times and costs.
- Product and process traceability.
- Integration to ERP systems.
- Compliance CFR 21 part 11.
Functionalities and main features
- Check on container status.
- Check the container history.
- Verification of the expiration date of cleaning of the containers.
- Identification and labelling of containers for cleaning.
- Identification and labelling of clean containers.
- Identification, tare, assignment of an order and labelling of clean containers.
- Identification, tare, assignment of a campaign order and labelling of clean containers.
- Identification, tare, manual assignment of a campaign order and labelling of clean containers.
- Identification, weighing and assignment of a manufacturing step to containers that have an assigned order.
- Identification, weighing, allocation of a manufacturing step and reassignment of a campaign order corresponding to the same material code.
- Verification of the validity of the order to be assigned.
- Consult the configuration parameters of the containers.
- Consult the bulk manufacturing steps.
- High, low and modification of a container.
- Enabling and disabling a container.
- Management of bulk manufacturing steps.
- Administration of the type of use of each material.
- Reprint of container labels.
- Reprint of container identification labels.
- Audit Trail.